Never Quit !

Today, I'd like to talk to you about failing and quitting.

A lot of people are afraid to fail. But failing is just a step unto succeeding. You don't fail until you quit .. so think about that.

If you take the analogy of a toddler with learning to walk, can you imagine if the toddler would walk like twice fall on the ground twice and then decide, okay, this walking shit is not for me. I quit, I stop. This is not for me. No. The toddler just fall so fails. Get up again.

Smile and start again. And try again. And again. And again and again.

Multiple times per day and again and again. And he never quits. Until he walks. So that's all you should approach any task that you want to do in your life.

If you look at this successful people, you only see their successes, but you don't see all the time they failed before that and after that you don't see like the 100 times they failed before succeeding, but they did.

So in brief, you only fail when you stop trying your only fail when you quit. So if you never quit, you never fail. Because every failing before that is just an opportunity to learn.

So never quit.


Morning Run


Be Grateful !